Which employee benefits are important in 2023 for candidates?

Table of Content

  1. Importance of employee benefits for employees’ retention
  2. Why are employee benefits important?
  3. Which types of employee benefits you can implement?

HR professionals need to stay up to date on the ever-evolving preferences of employees when it comes to their benefits. Knowing what employees want and need in 2023 is essential in order to attract and retain top talent in the competitive job market. In this article, we will discuss what HR professionals should be aware of when it comes to employee benefits and what employees want in 2023.

We will also provide tips and best practices for creating an effective employee benefits package that meets the needs of today’s workforce.

1. Importance of benefits for employees’ retention

Employee benefits play a crucial role in retaining employees by attracting and retaining top talent, improving job satisfaction, and promoting a positive work-life balance. Offering competitive benefits packages also helps to reduce turnover, as employees are more likely to stay with a company that provides them with the benefits they value.

Additionally, benefits can improve employee morale and increase overall productivity, leading to a more engaged and motivated workforce.

In summary, the importance of benefits in retaining employees lies in their positive impact on job satisfaction, work-life balance, and employee morale.

Employee benefits 2023

2. Why are employee benefits important?

  • Attract and retain top talent: Offering competitive benefits helps companies attract and retain top talent in a competitive job market.
  • Improve employee satisfaction and morale: Benefits that meet the needs and priorities of employees can lead to higher job satisfaction, increased motivation, and improved confidence.
  • Increase productivity: Providing benefits that support work-life balance and promote physical and mental health can lead to higher levels of productivity and job performance.
  • Boost employee engagement: Offering important benefits to employees and showing that the company cares about their well-being can increase employee engagement and loyalty.
  • Promote diversity and inclusion: Benefits that support diversity, equity, and inclusion help create a more inclusive workplace culture and attract a diverse talent pool.
  • Lower turnover and absenteeism: Benefits that support employee well-being, such as health insurance and wellness programs, can reduce employee absenteeism and turnover.
  • Foster a positive company image: Companies that offer a comprehensive benefits package are perceived as being supportive of their employees and may have a more positive public image.

3. Which types of employee benefits you can implement?

Retirement plans

Retirement plans and pensions are important benefits for employees as they help plan for a secure financial future. A retirement plan provides a way for employees to save money for the long term and invest in their future.

The German pension plan, also known as the gesetzliche Rentenversicherung (statutory pension insurance) is a compulsory participation. Germany’s employees and self-employed individuals must participate in the statutory pension insurance. Both the employer and employee contribute to the pension plan.

Employee benefits BAV

German companies offer statutory pension insurance, and they can be combined with other pension plans, such as a betriebliche Altersversorgung (BAV).

It provides a comprehensive retirement savings solution for employees. This is a voluntary benefit offered by the employer, and employees may choose to participate and contribute a portion of their salary to the plan.

This helps companies to retain valuable employees by providing them with valuable benefits and a secure financial future, which in turn increases employee satisfaction and motivation. Additionally, the BAV allows companies to tailor retirement benefits to their specific needs and budget, providing a flexible and cost-effective solution for both the company and its employees.


The minimum number of holidays in Germany is regulated by law. According to the Federal Vacation Act (Bundesurlaubsgesetz), employees are entitled to a minimum of 24 working days of paid holiday per year. This is a legal minimum, but many companies offer more than the minimum requirement as part of their employee benefits package.

Some companies may offer additional holiday days, flexible vacation policies, or other time-off benefits to support their employees’ well-being and work-life balance. A generous number of holidays can improve employee satisfaction, motivation, and well-being, which in turn can lead to higher levels of job performance and commitment to the company.

In addition, offering many holidays can be an attractive perk for employees when compared to other companies, helping companies to stand out. By providing employees with a healthy balance between work and leisure time, companies can create a more positive and productive work environment, which is essential for retaining valuable employees.

Home Office and Hybrid Work

Work flexibility refers to arrangements that allow employees to work outside traditional office hours or locations, such as telecommuting or flexible schedules. It provides employees with more control over their work-life balance and helps them manage competing personal and professional demands.

Offering work flexibility can improve employee morale, job satisfaction, and well-being, as well as reduce absenteeism and turnover. Employers can also benefit from offering work flexibility, as it can increase productivity and job performance, as well as reduce costs associated with office space and equipment.

However, it is important for HR to establish clear guidelines and policies for work flexibility, communicate them effectively, and monitor their implementation to ensure they are being used fairly and effectively.

Work flexibility can be a valuable employee benefit that helps employers attract and retain top talent while promoting a positive work-life balance.

Professional development

Professional development refers to the opportunities employees have to improve their skills, acquire new knowledge, and advance their careers. This can include training programs, education reimbursement, and career advancement opportunities.

Providing professional development opportunities demonstrates an investment in employee growth and career development, which can improve employee morale, satisfaction, and loyalty.

Offering professional development benefits can also increase an employer’s competitiveness in attracting and retaining top talent. However, it is essential for HR to design and implement professional development programs that align with the organisation’s goals and the individual employee’s career aspirations.

Regular communication and feedback are also key to ensuring that professional development programs are effective, meaningful, and relevant to employees. Offering opportunities for professional development can have a positive impact on employee performance and growth, as well as the success of the organisation.

Health insurance

Health insurance is a fundamental employee benefit that provides access to medical care and helps manage the cost of healthcare. It is essential for employees to have a comprehensive health insurance plan as it protects their financial stability in the event of illnesses or accidents.

Insurance employee benefits

Health insurance is mandatory for all employees and self-employed individuals in Germany. Employers and employees each contribute half of the health insurance premium, which is deducted from the employee’s salary. In addition, some employers may offer supplementary health insurance as extra employee benefits.

A company that offers a competitive supplementary health insurance package is seen as more attractive to potential hires, as it shows a commitment to the well-being and financial security of employees. This type of benefit can also lead to increased employee satisfaction and loyalty.

Wellness programs

Wellness programs refer to initiatives aimed at promoting employees’ physical, mental, and emotional health. This can include things like on-site fitness classes, healthy eating initiatives, stress management workshops, and mental health resources.

By offering wellness programs, employers can demonstrate a commitment to employee well-being and support their overall health and happiness. Additionally, wellness programs can improve employee morale, job satisfaction, and productivity, as well as reduce absenteeism and healthcare costs.

Employers should work with HR to design, implement, and regularly evaluate wellness programs to ensure they are meeting the needs and preferences of employees. Clear communication and promotion of wellness programs can encourage employee participation and ensure their success. Investing in employee wellness can have a positive impact on overall employee well-being, as well as the success of the organisation.

Employee discounts

Employee benefits 2023

Employee discounts refer to a benefit that companies offer to their employees for certain products or services. These discounts can help boost employee morale and satisfaction and encourage employees to become brand ambassadors.

Some popular employee discounts include discounts on company products or services, discounts on products from partner companies, and discounts on items like travel, entertainment, and technology.

HR should research the types of discounts that are relevant and appealing to their employees and negotiate with vendors to secure the best possible rates.

Employee discounts can also be tied to performance or milestones to further incentivise employees. HR should regularly review and evaluate the effectiveness of employee discounts to ensure they are meeting their desired outcomes.


Employee benefits are an integral part of a company’s overall success and the attraction and retention of talent. As technology and the workplace continue to evolve, employers should keep in mind what their employees want in terms of benefits in 2023. Health insurance, holidays, retirement savings, work/life balance, and tuition reimbursement are some key considerations for HR professionals to keep in mind when planning for the future. By understanding the needs of their employees, employers can create benefit packages that are attractive to job seekers and support a productive and satisfied workforce.

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